
From within

A Second on the Severn Sea 1 from robin jenkins on Vimeo.

In this clip, you can see the view from one of the cameras inside the rig. In the first half of the film you can see the interior of the glass tank slowly misting up. This was caused by the tiniest drop of water and the warm summer sun. Later, the evening shots show a much crisper and defined view. So watch to the end.

In your diary now.


E28 Love

Juan Cruz and my E28 staring lovingly into each others headlights.

my E28

A glimpse of what's to come with my new project. Together with artist Juan Cruz, we will be working on a show titled; My E28. The E28 is the body shape of the 80's, 5 series, BMW that both Juan and I drive. The boat was towed by my E28 from New Brighton in Birkenhead to outside my studio in Stockwell, London where it is sitting now, ready for action.

Engine Running Neutral

After very few post recently and even less new work, I am about to start the next stage of my Severn Sea project. In the meanwhile, check out some random images coming your way of my new boat.
Here's it's engine..